General conditions for online sale
art. 1 - Subject of the Contract
With these general conditions of trade, BIZONWEB sells and the CUSTOMER purchases from home the chosen tangible movable items and offered on sale on the website . The contract is concluded exclusively by web-based network, through the access of the CUSTOMER on the address and the realisation of a commission of purchase through the procedure provided for by the website.
The customer commits to take vision, before confirming his order, of the general conditions of trade, especially of the precontract informations given by BIZONWEB and accepting those through the application of a flag in the check box labeled.
In the e-mail for the confirm of the order, the CUSTOMER will receive also the link for the download and the filing of a copy of the general conditions of trade, as provided for by the art. 51 clause 1 of the D.lgs 206/2005, modified by D.lgs 21/2014.
art. 2 - Precontract informations for the consumer - art. 49 del D.lgs 206/2005
The CUSTOMER before the conclusion of the puschase contract, take vision of the characteristics of the illustrated items on the website during the choice of the CUSTOMER.
Before the conclusion of the purchase contract and before the validation of the order with “payment obligation”, the CUSTOMER is informed about:
total price of the items including the taxes, with the detail about the shipping cost and other costs;
arrangements for the payment; the deadline delivery;
conditions, the deadlines and the procedure to exercise the right of withdrawal (art. 6 of these conditions) as well as model withdrawal form to the annex I, part B of the D. lgs. 21/2014;
information that the CUSTOMER will have to pay for the returning of goods in case of withdrawal;
existence of the legal guarantee of compliance for the purchased goods;
conditions of after-sale existence and commercial guarantees provided for by BIZONWEB.
In every moment and before the conclusion of the contract the CUSTOMER can take cognisance of all the informations about BIZONWEB; the address, telephone number and fax, e-mail address, informations that are given in the following lines:
Via Fratelli Bandiera, 18 – 25122 Brescia - ITALY
Tel. 030.3366849 – Fax
art. 3 - Conclusion and validity of the contract
The sale contract is considerd closed when BIZONWEB sends to the CUSTOMER an e-mail for the confirmation of the order. The e-mail contains the datas of the CUSTOMER and the number of the order and the price of the purchased good included the shipping costs.
The CUSTOMER commits to verify the accuracy of the personal datas contained in the e-mail and to communicate as soon as possible possible corrections to BIZONWEB.
BIZONWEB commits to describe and display the items on sale on the site in the best way. Despite this there could be some mistakes, inaccuracies or little differcences between the website and the actual item. In addiction to this the photos of the items showed on don't represent contractual feature, they are only representative.
BIZONWEB commits to delivery goods in 15 days from that when BIZONWEB sent the e-mail confirming the order to the CUSTOMER.
art. 4 - Disponibility of the products
The disponibility of the products refers to the effective disponibility in the moment when the CUSTOMER effects the order. That disponibility must be considered approximate because, as an effect of the simultaneous presence of more than one users on the website, the products can be sold to other CUSTOMERS before the confirmation of the order.
After sending the e-mail for the confirmation of the order sent by BIZONWEB, there could be events of partial or total unavailability of the goods. In this case, the order will be automatically rectified with the elimination of the unavailable product and the CUSTOMER will be informed soon by e-mail .
If the CUSTOMER asks for the cancellation of the order, solving the contract, BIZONWEB will refund the amount paid in 14 days from that when BIZONWEB was awared of the decision of the CUSTOMER to solve the contract.
art. 5 - Arrangements of the payment
Every payment from the CUSTOMER can be effected only through the credit cards showed on the website , by bank transfer, PayPal or by cash on delivery.
In case of payment by credit card, the effective debit of the amount occurr when the order will be complete and ready for the shipping. In case of payment by payPal, the effective debit occurr when BIZONWEB will send the e-mail for the confirm of the order.
The communications related to the payment and the datas given by the CUSTOMER when this is effected occurr on protected lines. The security of the payment by Credit Card is guaranteed through the VBV certification (verified by VISA) and SCM (Security Code Mastercard).
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Credit Cards | Bank transfer | Pay on Delivery |
art. 6 - Prices
All the sale's price of the products showed on are expressed in Euro and include IVA.
The shipping costs aren't included in the purchase price, but are revealed and calculated at the conclusion of the process of purchase before the payment.
The CUSTOMER accepts the authority of BIZONWEB to modify its prices in every moment, however the goods will be invoiced based on the prices showed on the site during the creation of the order and showed in the confirming e-mail sent by BIZONWEB to the CUSTOMER.
In case of computer error, manual or technical error or any other error, not expected by BIZONWEB, that can change substantially the sale's price, and that raise or make the price derisory, the purchase order will be considered unvalid and will be declined and the amount paid by the CUSTOMER will be refunded in 14 days from that of the decline.
art. 7 - Withdrawal right
In compliance with legal dispositions into force, the CUSTOMER has the right to withdraw from the purchase without any penalty or telling why, by 14 days from that date of goods' delivery.
In case of multiple purchases occurred by the CUSTOMER only with one order and delivered separated, the deadline of 14 days from that date of delivery of the last product. The deadline is increased to 365 days if the customer own the BIZONWEB card.
The CUSTOMER who wants to exercise the withdrawal right must comunicate it to BIZONWEB with an explicit declaration, that can be sent by registered post a.r. or by pec to the address: .
The CUSTOMER can exercise the withdrawal rigth also sending any explicit declaration including the decision to withdraw from the contract or sending the model withdrawal form, of what the annex I, part B, D.lgs 21/2014 (not necessary) following the text:
Model withdrawal form under art. 49, clause 1, lett. H
(fill in and give back the form only if you want to withdraw from the contract)
In case of exercise of the withdrawal right, the CUSTOMER is compelled to give back in 14 days from that of the comunication to BIZONWEB his own will to withdraw from the contract under art. 57 D.lgs 206/2005.
the goods must be shipped again to BIZONWEB S.R.L. - Via Fratelli Bandiera, 18 – 25122 Brescia - ITALY.
The costs for the restituition of the products are in charge of the CUSTOMER.
The goods must be returned intact, in the original package, complete with all its components (included packaging materials and eventual documents and accessories) and complete with its fiscal documents. In addition to the authority to verify what is reported in the rows above, BIZONWEB will provide to refund the amount of the products that are object of the withdraw by a deadline of maximum 14 days, included the eventual shipping costs.
As expected in the art. 56, clause 3, D.lgs 206/2005, modified by D.lgs 21/2014, BIZONWEB can suspend the refund till the delivery of the goods or till the demonstration by the CUSTOMER to have shipped the goods to BIZONWEB.
BIZONWEB will do the refund through the same arrangement of payment chosen by the CUSTOMER during the purchase. In case of payment through bank transfer, and the CUSTOMER wants to exercise his withdrawal right, he will give to BIZONWEB, entering in the section “contact us”, the bank details: IBAN, SWIFT and BIC necessaries for the refund, from BIZONWEB.
art. 8 - Legal guarantee of compliance
In case of delivery of products that are not in compliance with the orders or defective, the CUSTOMER has the right to the reinsatement, without any cost, of the compliance of the product through the replacement of the product. The CUSTOMER can exercise this right in the deadline of 14 days from that of the delivery of the product.
Later, the customer has to proceed with the creation of an informatic procedure of return entering in the seccion “my orders” in the section “my account bandiere” on the website .
BIZONWEB, in case of defective product or not in compliance, will provide, at its own expenses, to organize the pick up of the product, compatibly with the disponibility of the CUSTOMER.
art. 9 - Arrangements of delivery
The products will be delivered by express services to the address chosen by the CUSTOMER during the order at the latest in 14 days from that of the reception by the CUSTOMER of the confirming e-mail sent by BIZONWEB.
For every order effected on the website , BIZONWEB sends an invoice of the shipped goods. The invoice is available and ready to be printed, later the handling of the order, in the section “my orders” in the section “my account BIZONWEB” of the CUSTOMER. The invoice includes the informations given by the CUSTOMER during the process of purchase. After the sending of the invoice, change the datas given in it will not be possible.
art. 10 - Responsibility
BIZONWEB is not taking any responsibility for imputable disruptions due to force majeure or fortuitous case, also when the errors are caused by malfunction and disruption of the web-based network, in case it can't close the order in the period expected from the contract.
art. 11 - Access to the website
The CUSTOMER has the right to enter the website for the consultation and for effecting the purchases. It is not allowed any use, especially commercial, of the website or of its content.The integrity of the elements of this website, auditory or visual, and the related technology used are property of BIZONWEB and are protected by the right of intellectual property.
art. 12 - Cookies
The website uses “cookies”. Cookies are electronic files that register informations related to the navigation of the CUSTOMER on the website (consulted pages, date and hour of the consultation, etc.) and that give to BIZONWEB the possibility to offer a customized service to its own clients.
BIZONWEB inform the customer about the possibility to turn off the creation of those files, entering their own menu of the set up of internet. This will not let the customer proceeding to the online purchase.
art. 13 - Entirety
The present General Conditions of Sale are composed by the entirety of the clauses that compose those. If one or more dispositions of the present General Conditions of Sale is considerated or declarated invalid under the law, the regulation or after a decision from a courthouse with jurisdiction, the other dispositions will continue having full force and validity.
art. 14 - Applicable Law and Competent Court
The present General Conditions of Sale are under the italian law.
Every dispute that can't find a friendly solution will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the nearest Courthouse to the residence of the CUSTOMER, if placed in the territory of the State.
However, it is possible to optionally appeal to the mediation procedures, D.lgs 28/2010, for the resolution of eventual disputes arised during the interpretation and the execution of the present conditions of sale entering the following website: .
General conditions of sale updated on the 15th of April 2017.