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Made in Italy

How to display your flags

Rules for a correct display of your flags

To properly display the flags it is necessary to respect the state ceremonial. In Italy for example the Ceremonial Office of the Italian Government Presidency. The italian official document can be consulted at this address: http://bit.ly/2pGJmKA


In Italy the most significant and important flags must always be Italy followed by that of the European Union. The general rule says that the Italian flag is always in "first position" and the flag of the European Union is almost always in "second position". The only case in which the European Union is in first position is in the presence of foreign guest belonging to the European Union.


Another important premise is that the corporate banner or business flag will never be nationals, but must always have the last position, even if, according to different vexillologies it should even be exposed in another place than the national, regional and provincial ones .


In Italy the general provisions of the flags, from the point of view of the observer, follow this rule:

1 - 2 
2 - 1 - 3 
3 - 1 - 2 - 4
4 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 5
5 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 
6 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 7

This rule is applied based on the number of poles and flags available.

Here are the correct provisions that companies should put in place regarding flags outside the offices.


  1. Italy - Europe
  2. Europe - Italy - Company
  3. Region - Italy - Europe - Company
  4. Province - Europe - Italy - Region - Company


Come disporre le bandiere, disposizione a tre bandiere
Flags Display, display of italian flag, EU flag and Brescia Flag.


Other rules of many other states provide that:


  • The flag is displayed from sunrise to sunset, but not in case of inclement weather. Nighttime exposure is allowed if the flag is well lit.


  • The flag is raised briskly and lowered solemnly.


  • The flag is always used in a dignified way. It must never touch soil or water. It must never be supported flat or horizontally, but always at the top and free to wave naturally. Never used as a cover for tables or chairs or any type of drapery. Never used as an envelope for any object to contain, transport or ship.


  • .The national flag can never be placed in a position inferior to others in respect of which it must rather occupy the privileged position.


  • Each flag must be hoisted to a flagpole (or at least it must be hoisted to a single rope).  The overlap of flags on the same flagpole is not recommended unless this is a yardarm structure (T-shaped pole). In this last case, more flags can be hoisted together, but the flags must be hoisted all the same height.


  •  In the case of exposure of many national flags, these must be arranged in local alphabetical order.


  • In an exhibition of three flags, the national one occupies the central position


  • In international organizations and on occasions of conferences or other events, even sporting events or international events, the flags are placed according to the alphabetical order in force locally or according to the English order.


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